Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The BIG Lies Start

As I had mentioned previously, I asked him if he was going to continue on the dating site when he informed me that he could only focus on one woman at a time, leading me to believe that he was interested and only "focused" on me.  A couple weeks after my visit and his statement, I received an email on the dating site we met on from a woman. I read the email which said: Hi, do we know each other? You look very familiar. Did you use to date XYZ?  I was a bit taken back since I had no idea who this woman was and replied: I don't believe we have met, I have no idea who you are. Not only did I use to date XYZ, I still am..why do you ask?  The next email reply to me read:  Oh, well nice to meet you. Thought you might like to know that I spent this past weekend with XYZ. Have a nice night. mwah.  My heart sunk.

I sat there stunned, and speechless.I felt sick. How could that be?  I had spoke to him briefly over the week end he was at his kids baseball games-or so he claimed. I sent him an instant message and told him to get in touch with me when he had a minute. He didn't respond until the next day while at work. I told him I had met a friend of his, naturally he asked who. I told him about the e-mails I received, of course he denied it. Eventually, he told me that she stopped by while visiting some friends in town (still not sure I believe that one), and that nothing happened. I kept questioning him, he kept denying-lying. At that point I told him to have a nice life and wished him luck with the other woman. I walked away. There was no way I was going to put up with that crap! 

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